Monday, November 2, 2015

A perfect ending to a perfect day (May 2015)

Because we have spotted the whale shark early in the day, the boat arrives reasonably early in the afternoon. We are not allowed to stay in the overflow park, we don’t feel like squeezing the bus into the caravan park again and we certainly do not wish to run into the same ranger again. We have time on our side.
Like any good well oiled machine we prep both motorhomes in no time and continue our journey towards Karratha. I am usually the one driving in front with the Apollo rental –it shakes and rattles and is quite noisy, but the air conditioning is great. Today is no different and I keep my eye open for a spot to pull over around the time the sun wants to set. There have been some great spots so far for both motorhomes, like truck rest stops, gravel pits and general rest stops. Tonight we park on an ordinary rest stop somewhere 60km away from Coral Bay. We figure that is enough to stay out of the ranger’s way and are being treated to the second best sun set so far, on our trip with Pieter and Els that is.

 A perfect ending to a perfect day. 

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