Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Warm razor fish salad

At the swimming beach of Port Lincoln there is a abundance of razor fish. Contrary to what their name suggests these are not fish. They are shells that stand up straight in the sand and if you step on them cut your feet (razor is a fitting name).  Currently there is a community project underway where volunteers collect the shells and remove them. You are allowed 25 per person per day and a group of people gather at low tide to remove their 25 each day. Tim and Hugo were with me when we came across this and we were oh so happy to lend a hand.  In about 5 minutes I picked our quota of 75 and with a box full of shells returned to the bus. Christel had taken the other kids to the pool for some serious swimming training. After lunch we cleaned the razor shells and cooked them up for diner. For the recipe of warm razor fish salad (and others) click here.


  1. Hope your trip is going well ! Have enjoyed reading about your adventures so far. Anthony driving to Darwin April 25th, will be there for ten days or so. All good at Cambria ....

  2. Ps.....looking forward to the cookbook publication!
