Monday, August 3, 2015

Denmark (April 2015)

Denmark is being fondly described by the locals as the Byron Bay of WA, but then without all the tourists. It does have a bit of a modern hippy vibe. The modern-hippy shire however does not like self contained free camping: all areas are signposted. It is Easter long weekend, the caravan parks are full and we don’t know where to go. We end up somewhere out of town in a spot we are certain we are not supposed to be, but reckon no ranger is going to check this area, so we’ll get away with it.
Next day we park our massive motorhome at the parking area of Ocean Beach. And sure enough a Ranger comes to warn me we cannot stay there and she takes photos of the bus. I find it a bit intrusive to be honest. But we have to be there because we are booked in for another surf lesson with Mike. He must be a local celebrity, renting out surfboards and providing lessons for sixteen years. He’s good too. Making the children practice on a board on the beach, explaining more about the waves with really cool illustrations. When they have another go in the water we can tell the new skills are carrying the kids even further than before. He explains they need to get as much ‘glide time’ as possible. Doesn’t matter if they lie on their back, sit on the board or stand.  The kids just love it, except for Hugo. He doesn’t really like getting wet.
Mike invites us to stay at his place, so we can park the bus and not break the law.
However the neighbours alert the Rangers and we have to explain ourselves again. Nicely, he accepts we are staying at Mike’s and that’s that.
We don’t want to stay too long though.
Easter is a bit different this year, without an Easter Fruit Loaf. Luckily the local bakery makes delicious hot cross buns. Our decorations have failed. Denmark can’t accommodate us, time we move on, in this case back.

We need to return to Albany because the children need to do schoolwork about ANZAC day and the centenary of the landing in Gallipoli, and where better to go than ANZAC memorial hill?

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